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Big Brother Africa 2014 Winner Idris Sultan Set To Host Two TV Shows On Vuzu and BET

Big Brother Africa Hotshot and winner Idris Sultan is set to host two TV show on Vuzu and BET. The Tanzanian has been keeping a low profile since walking away with US$300,000 from the house.

“Ukiwa mtu maarufu watu wanahitaji kukuona muda wote na huwezi kupata interview kla siku, hivyo ni sehemu pekee unapoweza kuwa karibu na watu ili wajue unafanya nini. Kwahiyo hii sehemu ya kazi yako, nafanya a lot of thing, first nina like two TV shows ambazo zinatakiwa kuwa host up on Vuzu pamoja na BET,”. In an exclusive interview with Mkasi program Idris said