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What Causes Dry Vag!na In Ladies During S3

#Lack Of Enough 4play
If you don’t give her enough 4play to get her going she will definitely have dry vag!na during s3x. The fluids which wets the inner parts will do it for sometimes and since they were not well triggered during 4play they will stop doing so and will leave it dry.
#Low S3x Drive
A woman with a low s3x drive or low l!bido also do have dry vag!nas during s3x. They do not have interest so the organs which are responsible for lubing it are not active to do their work.
#When A lady is tired or not interested
After a long day of work, or when a lady is tired, she will not concentrate in s3x and will be turned off because her mind is not focused on what you are doing.

#When You start the next round without proper play
Just as the first round yo need to do some 4play again before each round start to make it better just like the first one was. And without proper play remember the fluids will not do their work.
#After A long Break From S3x
This one depends on a lady , some will just pick up well after a long stay from s3x while others will not. It is also how a lady will concentrate in the s3x and how the guy will also handle the lady, and that is what will make the difference.